Showing posts with label Lucknow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucknow. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

EL Rothschild and Walmart: Preparing for Exports

Bharti Walmart India is being led into the country by Lady Lynn Forester Rothschild ( whose family owned British East India Company who enslaved India ), which shows that the people who destroyed this country not only became more powerful but they intend to manipulate the common people till the end of time with their near infinite lies, and deception. These monsters have done this for generations in many countries, and they continue to wage a war against humanity to feed their black of greed. These are the kind of people that are never satisfied till they have every thing that belongs to you, but they will enslave you so they can feed off your blood perpetually. They have created a intricate web of evil all around the planet which gives them the confidence to destroy many lives that do not belong to the "Borg collective."

Bharti Walmart India

Wal-Mart shows interest in export of Indian agri-products, this will be the second such initiative for Bharti Group. Bharti Enterprises has an additional undertaking, FieldFresh Foods with EL Rothschild Group-owned ELRO Holdings India, to export fresh agri-products like fruits and vegetables to Europe and the US.

Field Fresh was fundamentally an export agro-based corporation and has been exporting fresh fruits and vegetables to various markets including UK, the Middle East and Europe.

 Bharti Walmart India is just the next phase of their dark plans, and you can see the clear deception in the above statement that was made in 2006. They not only are going to give Chinese goods a platform in India for sale, but they are also going to export farm goods to European countries. Everyone knows that all the items made in China are made by sweatshop workers which is why they are able to produce goods at such a low price. These goods are used to destroy small businesses in other countries so the zealots can make quick profit at other people's expense. This is the future of this country if they are not stopped in their tracks.