Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Bharti Walmart India - Fraudulent Bribery Probe

Walmart is going to obliterate India’s financial system by predatory pricing which is done with forced human exploitation in Bangladesh, and China Sweatshops.

The fake lobbying/ Bribing examination event in the "Media" is just one more misinformation run by the zealots to make their victim think that something is happening in the background to stop Wal-Mart’s attack. But, that is just an additional lie in the long list of dishonesty that zealots know how to do best. 

Humans are the cattle used by the zealots in their corporate machines to make a massive profit, and deception is the ultimate game that they have played for generations to keep people under control. They use many techniques to cloud the minds of the masses so they do exactly what they want them to do. 

Ignorance is a powerful weapon that keeps people under control, and have enough room for scamming them. Cheating people out of their money, and a good life is the best way they have used over the years. 

The political system is just another tool they use to control the people, and suppress all forms of attacks that may arise against them. They know exactly how to control both sides, and suppress the common people. They have been doing this for generations, and they are masters at it. 

They thrive on human slavery which can be seen in countries like Bangladesh where people die every year in Walmart's Sweatshop fires. The media has been used to suppress all forms of information available about the event, and people have become so inert that they do not even react to such news. 

They are too bothered about their own lives, and they just do not know what to do in such situations when the system is not in their control. This way every one goes on with their lives, and the monsters at the top remain happy because there is no one left to stop them.

Destruction of human life has become the new game for these corporate terrorists, and they prey on the small businesses that can be easily stepped on with Sweatshop produced goods. China has been enslaved using communism which was created by zealots to suppress the masses into slaves.

The common people of China have no other choice but to enter the traps created for them, and follow their leaders that are under zealots control. All the zealots have to do is feed off the margins that they make through Predatory pricing they crate through corporations like Walmart.

This amazing game of evil will never end until the source of the monstrosity is not destroyed, and the people are set free from the dark tyranny of the zealots all over the planet. Their evil will continue if they are not destroyed, and they will eat away every community in the world if they are not stopped once and for all. 

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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